Started out this morning around 7:45. Temp was around 65, just great for a bike ride, and stayed in the low 70s throughout the day. It was a 55 mile ride with at least two big climbs up 4-6% grades of 4-7 miles each. Compound that with headwinds most of the day and it makes for a tiring day. However, one of our support crew said our group was the earliest to arrive in Globe in her memory of many past trips. I was the second one to arrive. Fortunately, coach has much relaxed the rule of riders riding together in small groups, especially on the climbs. It is nearly impossible to ride in groups on a long climb because of differing climbing comfort levels and style. Riding through a one-third mile long tunnel was another interesting experience. Coach made sure we all had operable flashing taillights so we could be seen. It was fairly dark in there and the noise from semi traffic was intimidating. Though this route was exquisitely beautiful the shoulders were narrow at places and not very well kept in others. Nonetheless, we all survived and people rode very strong, given the climbs and headwinds.
My bike experienced some gearing issues when I could not shift onto the largest front chain-ring. That made the downhills a little slower than desired. When we got to Globe, our mechanic told me that the cable had become kinked and improper cable tensioning had prevented me from using that larger chain-ring. She ended up replacing some cable housing and correctly routed the cable. Hopefully that is the end of the problem.
I really appreciate all who are following this blog. For those of you who do not know me personally, you are getting to know me a little bit better through this blog. But I am not getting to know you. If you wouldn't mind, I would love for you to send a comment and tell me where you're from and what drew you to this blog. I have my guesses but I may be dead wrong. Please feel free to give me a comment, if you wish.
Devotional Thought:
It was, in my opinion, the most beautiful scenery we've had for the ride so far. I found myself thanking God for His amazing creativity and majestic diversity. My attitude was a little compromised because of the headwinds and climbs until I also began to thank God for the physical ability to successfully tackle the elements. You know, if you are going to put yourself in places where you are better able to see the glory of God; you also have to be willing to accept the challenges that come along with that privilege. It was well worth the work to worship God in His inimitable sanctuary called creation!
On our way to Phoenix area on April 1, noticed some of your group just outside Avondale & guessed it was a local bike club comprised of active seniors. We pulled off to use the restroom and one of the gentlemen who was from Germany, another from Alaska, told us the name and & said I'd look it up on the internet. So here I am, following your great trip. Am 68 years old, but the most I've done is 65 miles for a fundraiser in Sonoma County, California (north of San Francisco), so I am in awe of all of you living my own daydream! Good journey!