Yesterday our trip from Mineola to Marshall was 65 miles. Once again our day started out overcast and a little misty. But by noon it cleared and we enjoyed 80-85 degree weather the rest of the day. What we are now seeing in the topography are rolling hills which, for me, is some of the most undesirable riding because it can last all day long. That was our day yesterday, up and down. The highlight of the day for me was being able to visit with my good friends from the little church in Atlanta, TX that I pastored for four years. I had the privilege to perform their wedding and so there is a special bond with Ed and Sherry. I was not able to post anything last night because they treated me to dinner at a nice Italian restaurant and our conversation left no time or posting.
Today's ride from Marshall to Minden, LA marked the completion of our ride through Texas and a new state in Louisiana. It was a very pretty ride on a less congested road part of the way. Instead of scenery, pictures now display scenes of Americana, like the T.C. Lindsey Country Store that has been in business for 160 years and is managed by the family's 7th generation! There was a tremendous amount of history in that store that a camera does not do justice to. However, the highlight of my day was reacquainting myself with Dave, my best friend from my 1974 coast to coast trip. He got word of my blog through a friend of my friend and called the house and got my information. He and his wife live in Shreveport, which we passed through today, so we not only connected but he rode with me this afternoon the 30 miles into Minden on the same bike he took in 1974, wearing the same riding jersey we wore in 74! How did he do that? Great memories renewed!
Devotional Thought:
Psalm 25:4,5 says "Show me the right path, O Lord; point out the road for me to follow. Lead me by your truth and teach me, for you are the God who saves me. All day long I put my hope in you." I shared this passage with you I believe yesterday and reflected on it once again in the last 24 hours. This wonderful passage of Scripture has such a parallel with our ride that I decided this is the perfect theme verse for my ride. I am going to try and memorize this passage and encourage you to memorize it too. Whether you are on a bike ride or not, we all are looking for direction from God to point the way He wants us to travel. Go for it!
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