Today was a 69 mile day and the terrain and weather read like a broken record.from the last few days. Once again we had a fierce overnight thunder storm and high winds but woke up to clearing skies with promising dry weather and the hint of a tailwind. However, our rainless riding streak came to an end after lunch with off and on rain showers that actually felt pretty good. We got a couple pretty good downpours and then the weather would clear off and dry us. The tailwind that was hinted at by the Weather Channel really didn't develop until the ride was almost over.
We added a couple of riders, I believe, for the day. Vern and Bonnie from Fowler, MI drove down on their way to Texas to visit with Richard and Rosie. Vern paid me a nice compliment about this blog and how members of their riding club are tuned in. Thank you for vicariously being a part of our trip! It was nice to get in a little early at the end of the ride today to get some bonus time that allows me to not be rushed while I blog.
I included a picture of my good friends George and Fran from Madison, MS. We enjoyed catching each other up after almost 20 years since we last saw each other. They were a part of the little church I pastored in Atlanta, TX and then subsequently moved to MS to pursue new work and to be a little closer to family. I have always respected how they raised their family and how God's blessing is upon them, their children and grandchildren. They are a great model of how to raise children correctly in the Lord.
George and Fran - I enjoyed fellowshipping with them over lunch and dinner yesterday and catching up.
I couldn't resist. Apparently this is a church for the weight challenged or for the people of Chunky, MS. |
Devotional Thought:
I have discovered that I am a more content rider when I ride alone. Even though I can ride with a group if required I prefer to ride alone. I find that it is easier for me to center my thoughts on God when I am not distracted by other riders. With that said, it still takes quite a bit of discipline to center my mind on God. Some days are easier than others to do so. Even when I am in normal life, I find it still takes discipline to pursue solitude and focus on the One who made me and who desires my company. But once I have fought to discipline myself to enjoy His presence, it never disappoints! Isa. 49:23, "those who hope in me will not be disappointed.” |
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