Friday, April 8, 2011

Day 14 - Deming to Las Cruces, NM

Our trip is almost 1/3 done! We've now traveled over 800 miles and will remain in NM until April 13th. Today's weather was wonderful with sunshine, moderate temps in the 70s and another splendid tailwind - two days in a row. Traveled 73 miles today and averaged about 18.5 mph, complements of the tailwind. We ride about 69 miles tomorrow and then have Sunday off in Alamogordo.

I visited a bike store today in Las Cruces and picked up a few essentials to keep my bike and me on the road. We took time today as well to clean and service our bikes - a very important task that helps insure that we do not have trouble on the road.

I understand some of you are having trouble accessing the map feature that I've added to this blog. On the right hand side of my blog's home page, under "Labels" is the word "map". Click on that and it opens another window called "Coast to Coast Map". Click on the lower of the two links  and it will open the map. If you click on the upper one, it merely reopens the same window, not the map. I am hoping that you do not have to have a Google account in order to see the map. But that may be the next thing you will need to try if clicking on it doesn't work. Hope this helps. Let me know if it still doesn't work.

Devotional Thought:

Today I rode past a small ranch with horses stabled along the road. Immediately, my mind drifted back a couple generations and imagined what it was like to "break" a horse for the first time. If you remember your cowboy lore, an experienced cowboy would take a wild horse and ride him until he broke the horse's will to his own. A wild horse was virtually worthless to a cowboy until his will was broken and became submissive to the rider. Only then did the horse have real value to his owner. That little illustration reminded me of Hebrews 12 where it says that God disciplines those he loves. In fact if we reject his discipline, Hebrews say we are not his children at all. The idea of discipline is not punishment but correction, to help put us back on the right path when we drift away. It also may have to do with breaking our will to His will. As our Creator, He knows best what He created us for and sometimes we stubbornly and willfully refuse to do what He wants us to do. God's breaking our will to His will is actually an act of love. His discipline refines us from the impurities in our life; it confines us to the pleasure of His will and combines us with His power to enable us to be more valuable to Him in His service. Do you desire to have your will broken to His will?

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